Expose is a blogger theme with responsive layout and it’s High User Friendly Blogger Template. It’s design simple and clean, perfect for a variety of purposes, although focused towards Photographers and those using Portfolios to display their past and present work collections.
Requirement: You need to save your own image on Blogger rather than do hotlinking from the various sources to run this template.
Requirement: You need to save your own image on Blogger rather than do hotlinking from the various sources to run this template.
Features of Expose Responsive Blogger Template :
- Fully Responsive Design
- Auto resize thumbnail image
- Responsive Flexslider
- Well Documentation
- Threaded Comment
- Optimize SEO
- Custom Error 404 Page
- Light Box Effect
- 2 Comment System (Blogger, Facebook)
- Compatible with major browsers (IE8+,Mozilla,Chrome,Safari)
- Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout.
Template Customization Instructions:
Setup slider : To add images to slider you need to include " Feature " label into your blogger post.
Facebook like box & Google+ box :
To Edit your Facebook like box Follow this:
1. On Blogger Dashbord Click Template
2. Click Edit HTML
3. Scroll down and Find this Code :
<div class='fb-like-box' data-colorscheme='light' data-header='false' data-height='350px' data-href='http://www.facebook.com/themexpose' data-show-border='false' data-show-faces='true' data-stream='false' data-width='400px'/>Now Replace Green color Facebook page url with your facebook page url.
To Edit your Google+ box Follow this:
Find this code :
<div class='wc-gplusmod'><div class='g-plus' data-action='followers' data-height='300' data-href='https://plus.google.com/+ThemeXpose' data-source='blogger:blog:followers' data-width='400'> </div> </div>Now Replace Green color Google+ page url with your Google+ page url.
We wrote a very detail and clear guide to help you easy work with Expose Responsive Blogger Template. But if you have any questions, please feel free to ask on our comment system, we’ll answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +5.30).
Note: Premium Version buyers will get advance and lifetime support guarantee.
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